Today 88% of the heating demand in this dual ice sheet and 5400-spectators-arena is covered by recovered heat from the CO2 system.

After the first months of operation with the new CO2 refrigeration system and its heat recovery function in the T3 Centre ice arena, considerable energy savings can be reported. The district heating bill is down by 69% compared with the old ammonia refrigeration and heat recovery system. Although the new heat recovery function is fully activated the electricity bill has remained the same.
Today 88% of the heating demand in this dual ice sheet and 5400-spectators-arena is covered by recovered heat from the CO2 system. The forecasted savings in district heating for the whole ice activity season is 230 MWh compared with the old system solution and over 800 MWh if no heat recovery would previously have been used.
EKA designed the new CO2 refrigeration system comprising a two-stage heat recovery solution. High grade heat is used for traditional heating purposes as well as reactivating the hybrid dehumidifier. Ammonium hydroxide has replaced calcium chloride as the secondary refrigerant which significantly reduces the pumping power.